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How I got into memorial glass, a story by Ryan Bledsoe
glass float A gentleman came into the art gallery to find a vessel for his recently cremated dog. After discussing it with him, I told him that I didn't do urns but that I thought I had a fun creative way to express his dog and be a cool art piece at the same time.

We had a product in the gallery that is called our "stuffed float." Tourists can come in and make their stuffed float with memorabilia from the beach. Since this gentleman and his dog played every day on their beach walks, how cool would it be to use the dog's ashes and immortalize him in an art piece?

We took his dog's ashes and turned it into sea spray coming off the blue waves. We also mixed some of his dog's ashes in the beach scene inside, along with toys that the owner and his dog would play with. A miniature tennis ball, a small piece of rope, the dog's tags, a couple of pieces of driftwood, a starfish, and some kelp. We created the piece and called the customer to come pick up his memorial art piece.

The gentleman called me a month later and told me how special it was to him. He still gets a chance to play with his dog on the beach.

We here at The Edge Art Gallery thought that this was a great thing that we were able to help with, so we pursued the venture into memorial art which is now it's own business.

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