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How long does it take to get my glass memorial?
It generally takes between 2-3 weeks from the receipt of the ashes.

How much cremains (ashes) does it take to make an item?
Most items take about 2.5 Tbsps of cremains. We ask for 4.5 Tbsps for larger items. Any cremains not used will be mailed back with your items.

How do I start the process?
Ordering can be done online or over the phone, by calling The Edge Art Gallery and Glass Blowing studio at 541-867-4198. Once we receive the order, we will send you a Care Package. Inside will be a sealable bag for the cremains. The bag will be marked to the fill line needed to make your items. Any unused cremains will be returned to you with your order.

Can I choose my own colors?
Yes. You can view the full range of custom colors: transparent colors (for hollow floats) and opaque colors (for solid glass objects). See our most popular colors.

Our most popular colors:
most popular colors

Do the float colors look the same as your photos?
Transparent colors are lighter as they are somewhat "see through" than the opaque colors. Please note that we cannot mix red and blue in the same object as this results in an ugly brown color.

Can I customize my glass object?
Yes, you should email or phone us and we can discuss the specifics of your project with you. This would be a custom project and we are happy to accommodate you. In addition to using custom colors, we can shape the project according to your specifications or fill a stuffed float with specific items. Read how we customized a stuffed glass float for a gentleman in memory of his beloved dog.

My Memorial Glass stuffed float

Can you work with cremains that were done by water cremation?
No, because lye and other chemicals are used in the process. This creates chemical fumes when applied to the heating of glass and makes are glass artists very sick.

Can I be there when my item is made?
Yes, we can schedule an appointment to allow you to be here. If you choose to be here when the item is made, most items can be picked up the next day.

Can I make my memorial glass piece?
Since the glassmaking process is so sensitive, we do not allow the public to participate in the actual making of an item.

What is the shipping cost?
There is no charge for shipping as long as all items are being mailed to the same address. We can ship to individual addresses; shipping would be calculated based on each individual address.